Avoiding your bookkeeping?

Are you avoiding your bookkeeping?

Avoiding your bookkeeping? Finding deadlines hard, and regulations too confusing? Perhaps sticking your head in the sand and ignoring it ISN’T the best option. Here is how, and why, you can (and should) get on top of it.

Let’s face it, doing your own finances can be a drag. Between the dread leading up, and the slog trying to do it, you can find yourself wasting a LOT of precious time and effort doing something you would probably rather not.

Are you sitting up late at night doing bookkeeping?

Lucky for you, that’s exactly what bookkeepers are here for! We can take on all that work for you, ensuring your books are kept up to date, and are as accurate as possible. This will leave you SO much more time to spend on growing your business, and doing what you love.

Wouldn’t you rather spend your precious time, earning more money per hour by focusing on your passion? Who wouldn’t! If you find yourself scrambling for time to do your books, you can easily get overwhelmed, and pesky little mistakes will start to pop up everywhere like the plague. In those cases, it’s almost always better to hand over the work and not stress anymore about wasting time on bookkeeping that doesn’t even earn you any money.

As they say: One person’s ‘trash’ (bookkeeping problems) is a bookkeeper’s ‘treasure’ – handing over your headache to us and OUR passion

When you do your own books, mistakes are sometimes the least of your worries. It’s easy to feel stuck and overwhelmed when there are risks of late fees, fines, long query lists, inaccurate and out of date information, cash flow issues, lack of time to think of future plans, which can lead to poor business decisions, potentially losing money with unpaid invoices, messy and hard-to-understand finances… and on top of that, when things get out of hand, you will have to pay extra fees for fix up work. That’s one scary list of ripple-on effects, yikes!

If you plan on doing your own finances, two crucial tips we recommend is getting yourself high-quality, in-depth training, and keeping in contact with a professional who can help you if you need. Setting reminders can also be crucial for keeping track of important dates, meaning you can plan your time and know your deadlines, so you’re not caught out.

Here at Tashly Consulting, we can assist you with your books at varying levels. Whether you’re looking to do your own books, or wanting to hand over, we offer professional consultation services, training, and of course, bookkeeping.

We offer Bookkeeping Packages and BAS Review & Lodge Services if you need help tidying up your records or have fallen behind in your obligations. We can also provide Adhoc Consultations via zoom meeting, or face to face, for any queries you may have, as well as Xero training if you would prefer to keep your bookkeeping in-house but need help getting started.

Tashly Consulting Xero Bookkeepers Adelaide are Registered BAS Agents #86318001, and we are dedicated to providing seamless, high-quality, transparent bookkeeping services – If you would like any further information please contact us via telephone (08) 8121 4424 or via email to discover how the multi-award-winning team at Tashly Consulting can help you better manage your business bookkeeping.

Tashly Consulting Xero Bookkeepers Adelaide – Not your average Bean Counter!

Disclaimer: All or any advice contained in this blog/newsletter is of a general nature only & may not apply to your individual business circumstances. For specific advice relating to your specific situation, please contact your accountant or other professional adviser for further discussion.

Images by Xero | Edited by @tashlydesign